Responsible for the contents of this website
Dansk Cykelturisme
Rømersgade 5
1362 København K
Mecklenburg Stage:
Tourism Association Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 2
18057 Rostock, Germany
fon: +49 (0)381 40 30-550 * fax -555
CEO: Tobias Woitendorf – Register of Associations Local Court Rostock VR585 – Sales tax identification number DE 137385039
Brandenburg Stage:
Tourism Association Ruppiner Seenland e.V.
Fischbänkenstraße 8
16816 Neuruppin, Germany
fon: +49(0)3391- 65 96 30 fax: 03391- 65 96 32
CEO: Itta Olaj – Register of Associations Court of Neuruppin VR680NP – Sales tax identification number DE 205275185
Copyright notice
Reproduction of the text is generally authorized, provided the source is acknowledged, except where otherwise stated.
VisitDenmark is the holder of rights for all Photos used for the Denmark Stage, as well as the majority of photos displayed on the landingpage and the general article pages.
The Ruppiner Seenland Tourism Association holds the rights of use for all images on the Brandenburg page; the copyright holders are named in the photo credits.
Tourism Association Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is the holder of rights for all Photos used for the Mecklenburg Stage; the copyright holders are named in the photo credits.
Tourism Association Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Concept, design and programming
WERK3 advertising agency